Sharing in the struggles, triumphs and failures of gardening at 7,000 ft elevation. Added to the challenges, we are located on the fringes of an extinct volcano field and experience short growing seasons.
I've successfully grown veggies in a small raised bed via the “Square Foot Gardening” method the past few years. Other gardening friends have pushed and nudged me into tackling a larger more traditional style garden this year.
With the short growing seasons, we really needed a greenhouse. We chose a small 6'x8' from Harbor Freight. It lasted a total of 21 hours! The common high winds reached 70mph and that darling greenhouse was flattened like a pancake! We salvaged the panels; reconstructed the framework with 2”x4”'s and salvaged the entire roof structure.
I would like to start a perennial flower garden this year as well....
I love the perennials. I spent about three years collecting different plants from garden club sales, friends, family, and other sources. The last two years it has been such a gift just watching my garden come to life in the spring. Living in New England I have my plants spread out from spring to fall now and other than splitting and weeding the work is minimal. We are reaping the rewards of our previous efforts and can focus on our yearly veggies. I don't even buy annuals anymore.