One daylily is coming up. I have been looking at them for the past week or so. Finally! I do have bigger plans for the flower and veggie gardens this year. We'll see.
Being as we have a little bit more money each month, I can do a little bit more. I plan to:
Plant 3 more daylily varieties.
Plant more echanacia (SP??)
Select a couple of Irises (haven't picked my to die for color yet) and maybe some perennial greenery. Of course I plan to add some marigolds grown from seed. And try to start some other annuals by seed as well.
Fist is to till the area for the flower bed (taking care not to disturb the daylilies that survived the winter), then work on a low chickenwire fencing.
Possibly some before and after pictures.....I'll take a pic or two this evening during chores.

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