The hatching of chicken eggs didn't go so well this time around. While cleaning and vacuuming, I must have accidentally nudged the plug-in and didn't notice until later that the incubator wasn't kicking on. It got down to 75 degrees F. Half the embryos died. We ended up with 12 living chicks, one pushed half way out then died, one hatched with splayed legs and did not survive.
Today I am going with a friend to one of her friend's houses to pick up a Buff Orpington Rooster that decided he was not happy with his mom for going on vacation for two weeks (honeymoon actually) and turned on her. While there, we are going to discuss having me hatch some duck eggs. I don't know what to charge, especially being as I really don't know what I am doing in that department. Decided I would make a bid of $20 for a dozen living ducklings. Starting with 18 eggs. Especially because this is going to be the initial hatching experiment and I value the learning experience over a monetary gain.
Will likely kill "Red" since 3 roosters is too many. I love the Orpingtons.