Friday, October 15, 2010

Slight OT Pumpkin Carving......papier mache style

I know, I know.... this is not really gardening related.... but it is Halloween and Pumpkin carving.....saving the real pumpkins for pies! LOL!
This is just too cool not to share. I think we may have to try this. Since we don't grow pumpkins and large pumpkins are expensive and last two or three days....


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Avocado Pits

We started the one on the far left in July. All went really well, then the “stalkling” seemed to dry up. Still hoping a sucker will develop since the roots are developing at an astounding rate. Brought home two Mexicola avocadoes and started again. Both have split and the nodules are starting to sprout.

I’m really depressed over the burned out seedling. Chalk it up to a learned experience – keep the blinds down. I am sure the sun sunburned the poor thing. 

We’re just about ready to start the peach pits. They’ve been in the fridge for about 2 months now.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bubble Wrapping the Greenhouse

It's still early October, but we got our first 33 degree night already!

I started insulating the greenhouse yesterday with bubble wrap. Purchased two 150ft rolls. I am just about half way through with taping the panels. Wasn't sure how much "air space" would be ideal. So, I decided to tape it up with the bubbles on the inside.

My hopes are to be able to grow salad fixings throughout the Fall and Winter seasons in the greenhouse. Trial and error.

I still need to paint more gallon jugs black. Enough to line the walls along the floor. With the greenhouse being only 6'x8', I don't have space for the larger barrels. Then  I will utilize a small electric heater. The main goal will be to prevent freezing temps.

I would certainly love to hear of others' methods of winter greenhouse gardening. The more "GREEN" solar type info I can get, the better. Not needing the heater would be the ultimate goal..... zone 5b